Your marketing might be boring if…

Your marketing might be boring if…

Your competitor uses the same tagline (or headline) or some version of it.

Your marketing might be boring if…

You need a dictionary to decipher your product descriptions.

Your marketing might be boring if…

The word “leverage” appears in your copy.

Your marketing might be boring if…

It’s easily outsourced to a Russian bot.

Your marketing might be boring if…

It’s riddled with typos and no one has ever noticed or said anything about it.

Your marketing might be boring if…

Your team meetings take place in acronyms  (Hey, did you check the CRM for the latest OR and CTR on that last email?)

Your marketing might be boring if…

You rely on discounts or price changes to drum up business.

Your marketing might be boring if…

In its basic form, it simply describes your product or offering.

Your marketing might be boring if…

It’s mired in facts and facts alone. (We live in a post-truth era, remember.)

Your marketing might be boring if…

Your color palette is the same as everyone else’s.

The point is:

Marketing — namely, B2B marketing —  doesn’t have to be boring. It can be fun. It can be interesting. It can be unexpected. It can be jargon-free. It can be stock photo-free. It can be shocking. It can be humorous. It can be short. It can be long-form. It can sound like your uncle sitting back in a worn armchair telling a story to an audience of one.

It can hinge on one big, kinda-out-there idea.

It can be playful. It can be contentious. It can be narrow.

But please, please, please do us all a favor…

Don’t let it be the same old thing. 

Don’t let it be expected.

Don’t let it be overlooked. Ignored. Unheard.

Don’t let it be boring.

Say something so different it scares you. Say something so new it would be harder to ignore than to keep on reading.

Say something colorful. Something uplifting. Something unique.

Something that’s not overpromising.

Say something worth saying — that only you would say.

Because, at the end of the day, if no one bothers to read, watch or listen… it’s all a waste of time anyway.