Get your website usability tested by 1000WATT

1000WATT now offers full usability tests for real estate companies. If you want to know why we’re doing this, read on.



Your agents want them. So you want them. You buy them. You may even sell them.

Increasingly, they define your value.

You chase them everywhere – syndicating, ad-wording and Facebooking like crazy.

Yet a wealth of leads is sitting right in front of you. Always has.

It’s called your existing website traffic. And you should – and can – convert a lot more of it into leads.

If your company is like most others in real estate, you don’t conduct usability tests. You don’t A/B test. And your conversion rate – the percentage of your website visits that result in a lead – is far too low.

If you’re not doing usability testing, you’re wasting money

1000WATT has conducted usability tests for clients for years. Not focus groups where people say what they want or don’t want, but full usability tests where we observe what people actually do (and don’t do!) on your website.

This isn’t about making your website pretty. It’s about making it work.

It’s a process that takes the better part of a day. We recruit representative website users. Sit beside them as they attempt to complete tasks on your site, and listen to what they say about their experience.

We record the whole thing; clients can watch in real time if they like.

This never fails to turn up important insights. And when when those insights – and our recommendations – are acted on, it always leads to more leads.


Conversion rate increases. Happiness increases.

Sometimes the results are dramatic. Sometimes they are incremental. But they are always meaningful.

Have 1000WATT usability test your site

We’ve decided to expand our usability testing practice to a stand-alone service. That means we can now do for you what we do for clients with whom we have a larger, ongoing relationship.

You’ll get a full usability test, and we take care of everything – recruiting participants, developing tasks, conducting the test, recording the test, and identifying specific improvements you can make to boost conversions.

And you’ll get our best thinking on your website.

We charge a one-time fee of $4,995. The insights you gain pay off again and again.

Obviously, there’s a limit to the number of tests we can take on, so we’ll be scheduling these in the order in which they’re booked.