Friday Flash: Inman Eve
No: 946
I get into mental wrestling matches with myself, grabbing onto different parts of an idea or argument to bend it one way or another so I can reach a conclusion.
It usually ends in a draw. As I get older I get less certain about things.
But I think I’ve finally pinned a couple issues down:
What do big listing brokerages get from IDX?
What might a big listing brokerage get without IDX?
To my second point – that relying on online listings display to drive online lead-gen has been counterproductive across the board – I put forth the following observations:
First of all, it doesn’t work very well. After 20 years of online listings, not more than 10% (at the high end) of buyer clients begin as an “online lead”. The NAR stats are pretty clear on this.
Sure, Zillow delivers great results for a significant number of agents. But let’s remember – contrary to what you read here and elsewhere – that Zillow is hardly the end-all, be-all of the online marketing world in real estate.
It’s also worth considering that Zillow had no active listings for the first year and a half of its existence. They built an audience of millions of consumers on other content. One wonders if there isn’t a way for the smart people over there to revisit that notion and come up with a play that unburdens them from the industry controversy that surrounds listings once and for all.
Second, there’s been a huge opportunity cost to focusing on listings/home search as the lead machine. All of the money spent on IDX sites, all of the money paid for leads that convert at 2-3%, the endless argument over who can display what… what else could we have been doing with our collective time and money?
Better digital seller farming. Better post-close/loyalty marketing. Marketing driven by content that’s hard to produce and allows sharp agents and brands to rise to the top.
But instead, we have hundreds of thousands of agents and brokers scurrying after bazillions of duplicate, crappy web leads generated off IDX or portal listings like park pigeons fighting over Cheerios.
Seems like we could do better.
There are lots of nuances to all of this I can’t cover here. Lots of case studies that run counter to what I’ve just said.
But that’s what I think when I step off the mat.
Enjoy the weekend.