Portrait of a full service agent
No: 13
Marc Andreessen (of Netscape fame, currently with Ning) wrote what could be the definitive assessment of the Facebook phenomenon.
In a nutshell, Andreessen credits Facebook with the most important web development of the decade: creating a open, flexible social platform that can be easily enhanced by applications created – and monetized – by others. The difference between a platform and an application is the key distinction: applications are largely static; platforms are dynamic.
Dynamic always wins.
So, how about real estate? What’s its platform? The MLS, right? Uh…..sure.
I know, there’s IDX, integration with TMS platforms and other value adds here and there.
But Imagine if brokerage firms could freely develop applications and widgets for their MLS through an API? Or if MLSs allowed approved vendors to interface with an API in creative ways? How much member value would that add?
You tell me.
– Brian Boero