Latter & Blum was founded in 1916. The Merrick family bought the firm in 1986 and subsequently acquired other, smaller, brokerages across the state of Louisiana. It was time to unify these companies under one brand. Our task: create a visual identity and campaign that would preserve a brand beloved in New Orleans, but would also be embraced by agents and consumers across a proudly diverse state rooted in regional identity.

Always Building
Latter & Blum calls itself a “family of families.” Within the company, one feels the truth of that. There is a sense of constantly pushing forward, adding to what is, and creating new opportunities. This company builds. It builds communities, careers, lives.
The new company campaign and rallying cry, “Always building” captures that character.

An identity as rich as the place
Louisiana is rich in culture, diversity and regional pride. The new visual identity system had to reflect that. We drew from the regional flags we saw as we traversed the state; re-interpreted the fleur-de-lis we saw throughout New Orleans; developed a color palette at once vibrant and elegant.
We formed these things into a system, capped by a new logo, that could carry the brand statewide for years to come.

“We approached 1000WATT with a complex branding situation coupled with major leadership change. They were the only group we trusted to handle this critical project at such a critical time for our company. 1000WATT’s deep understanding of the real estate industry and brokerage landscape was invaluable. At every step they exceeded expectations. We are friends and clients for life.”
Lacey Conway
CEO, Latter & Blum