The San Francisco Experiment, Part I
No: 234
This is Part 2 in our recap of the brokerage think tank session that took place last week at Real Estate Connect. Read Part 1 here.
Following are the top three suggestions from our final two groups, which covered the brick and mortar brokerage of the future and the consumer experience this “ideal” brokerage would present.
Brick and Mortar
In just over thirty minutes, 50+ agents, bloggers, brokers, journalists, vendors, CEO’s, attorneys and consultants sat around a room and and cooked up dozens of ideas for a new brokerage model.
As co-moderator, I was moved by this event beyond these findings. My takeaway had to do with the experience itself and the great things that can happen when:
? Competitors collaborate
? Strangers collaborate
? Members of an industry are forced to think differently
? A conference of Connect’s magnitude assembles diverse members of the industry and provides a facility for the partnering, thinking and creative expression.
A generous thank you to everyone who came to this session!
For more on this event go to CleanSlateBlog.
– Davison