Mobile cheese? How about a mobile VOW?

6a00d834f24b4869e2010536e4bd25970bGreg Sterling over at Local Mobile Search notes Kraft’s launch of an iPhone app that helps users find local grocery stores, build shopping lists and more. It also includes ads and coupons for Kraft products.

Smart people at Kraft apparently think people will pay to be pitched a deal on Philly Cream Cheese on the go: The app costs 99 cents.

So, this works for a major consumer brand? We’ll see. Others have seen success in this vein. But it got me thinking about the mobile opportunity in real estate, which seems to appear and recede in fits and starts. Trulia’s put a nice stake in the ground here, but as always, I can’t get too excited about something that only shows me some of the active listings. Puluwai released an iPhone search app, but it leaves a lot to be desired as far as user experience.

The New York Times and Terabitz [disclosure: Terabitz is a 1000WATT Consulting client] have done really nice web-based apps optimized for mobile viewing, but have yet to make a move on a native handset app.

So, who’s going to bust out with the killer mobile app that gives me all the listings in an elegant package? Who’s going to jump on the DOJ ruling to deliver the first mobile VOW – a real estate “office” that fits in the palm of one’s hand?

Anyone see something I’m missing?

Brian Boero