Friday Flash: The gates of hell
No: 1031
Earlier this month, our client PlanOmatic unveiled a new visual identity, brand story and marketing campaign. We were proud to lead strategy, messaging and design.
This work resulted in a brand overhaul, which has positioned PlanOmatic in a space of its own that cannot be easily replicated by competitors.
PlanOmatic came to us as a 12-year-old company that provides the real estate sales and rental industries with property marketing services. They’d built an impressive network of over 140 photographers in 35 states and offer all the latest technology – drone photography, virtual staging, floor plans and more – that helps their clients sell or rent properties faster with the best possible outcome.
The company’s stakeholders were not interested in competing or branding on features and benefits alone. They knew deep down they were different, that they had something special but needed a way to articulate that difference to the industry.
Wrapped around their core offering we found a company full of smart, authentic, passionate people who love what they do, their colleagues and their customers. We found talented people who care about relationships and the quality of their work product.
We did a full brand archetype exercise and study with PlanOmatic and used our findings as the basis of their brand persona, which embodies family, passion and love. That work was critical in building the company’s new visual identity – typeface, color palette, patterns, photography – and tone of voice in all marketing, advertising and sales materials.
Even better than the rich branding veins we were able to tap was the team’s approach to how they would use our ideas, direction, design and messaging. They were fully prepared to go all in with a cohesive, disciplined effort to grow their brand by instilling their core message and core values in everything they do – from design to marketing to sales.
From the branding work, we methodically moved into tactical mode and reexamined every piece marketing and sales, searching for ways to fulfill the grander vision of the brand story. We created specialized leave-behinds and gifts that utilize the brand story and essence to connect with people emotionally. We collaborated with their sales team to rethink how they present their product at sales events. We looked for ways to infuse their brand persona into their website design and copy.
We even put it on some chocolates:
This “all in” approach will go a long way in both establishing and maintaining the brand’s meaning, but also in cultivating the love and affinity people have for them.
Rebranding and repositioning a company is a scary and exciting prospect. Kudos to Kori Covrigaru, Aaron Rose and team for their leadership and collaboration throughout the process. We look forward to doing more great things together.