Transparency, Socrates and the Red Pill
No: 341
In case you haven’t noticed, we have redesigned our site and blog.
I hope you like it as much as we do.
I am quite sure we’ve made some obvious mistakes. We’ve been so close to this for the past couple weeks. So we welcome your feedback, positive or negative.
A few things to note:
We have re-done our Real Estate 2.0 Mind Map. We added two new categories — real estate APIs and slideshows/virtual tours/video — and jiggled most of the others, adding a bunch and removing some that were taking on certain zombie-like qualities. Let us know if you think we’ve missing something.
We’ve placed some of our presentations and publications on the site for anyone to download or view online. We’ll ad more now and then. Some of the slide decks suffer without our accompanying commentary, but we hope you’ll get the gist.
Under the hood, we moved the whole shebang over to WordPress. We liked Typepad two years ago. Now not so much.