Real estate video's next step
No: 908
We’re about to close out a monumental year in real estate.
More housing markets heated up – some wayyyyy up.
Zillow bought Trulia. News Corp. bought Move. Realogy bought ZipRealty.
The first Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brokerages showed up, as well as a growing group of independent brokers.
At 1000WATT, we helped clients dig deep, rebrand, reposition and create things altogether new. We’re grateful for the opportunity to jam with such great people.
We leave 2014 full of optimism and ambitions for the year ahead.
Before we sign off to don some holiday sweaters, eat sweet stuff and avoid politics with relatives, we pulled a list of notable posts from the 1000WATT blog this year.
1. How to get your real estate startup noticed – Joel Burslem
“Marketing your real estate startup doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Doing any one of these things could help launch your big idea.”
2. Real estate’s golden prize – Marc Davison
“What real estate owns is the moment when a buyer stands outside a home, turns to his Realtor and asks, unsurely, ‘How much should we offer?’ Real estate owns the moment when a listing agent prods a seller out of their home before an open house and says ‘It’s going to be fine – I got it from here.’”
3. Thoughts on the Move/News Corp. deal – Brian Boero
“Move was eating Zillow’s dust for too long. As part of News Corp, the company (and, most notably,, will get a shot of energy and talent that it needs very badly.”
4. The homerun message – Jessica Swesey
“When is the last time you took a long hard look at your brand message? If you can’t remember, then it’s time to get this on your priority list.”
5. Zillow, Trulia and you – Marc Davison
“Nothing is ever written in stone. Especially not your future.”
6. The software brokerage – Joel Burslem
“In many of our discussions with brokers about their websites we hear a lot of talk about search, IDX, lead gen and, increasingly, more and more creative ways to snare buyers. Yet, very little is ever mentioned around attracting the seller online.”
7. A brokerage makes it happen – Brian Boero
“Creating something good is possible. Michael Saunders & Company has just shown us how.”
8. Put your dreams away – Jessica Swesey
“You rarely see real estate companies experiment with some of the things that truly define homeownership – the washing machine that breaks right after you’ve drained your savings account on a new roof; the army of ants that takes over your kitchen while you’re on summer vacation.”
9. Curing an industry sickness – Marc Davison
“Maybe I’m crazy, but in my mind strong brokers still have a wide-open opportunity to do things Zillow could never do.”
10. A 1000WATT refresh – Brian Boero and Marc Davison
This past year, the 1000WATT team put ourselves through the same process we use with clients. We were ready for an identity refresh, wanted to lay out our message more clearly, and were ready for a new website. It was a tough road, but so worth the drive.
Happy holidays everyone.